Sunday, April 11, 2010

My dream career

One of the most common dreams of young African American children is to make it to the National Basketball Association. I believe I have the potential of becoming a member of the NBA. I also believe it takes hard work and determination as well. It takes hard work because all of the practice you will have to put in to improve your game. Then it takes determination because you must be determined to stay committed to your practice schedule.

The main step I need to take to get into the NBA is making sure my grades are together. My grades are a major factor because I need to get into college for a least one year to get into the NBA, and I would not get into college without having good grades. All I have to do is stay focus, do all the work that is assigned to me, go to school, and study. If I follow these steps I can do pretty good in school, and that will put me one step closer into making it to the NBA.

Then there is the requirement of going to college. That is why I have to keep my grades together. There is also the alternate route of going to play overseas, but I believe you should have a backup plan, and without an education you cannot get a good paying job.

Another factor that people do not usually consider is to eat properly. The average height of a NBA player is 6’6, and the average weight of a NBA player is 221 pounds. I currently weigh 153 pounds and I’m 5’8. If I plan to go pro, I have to get my weight and height up, and I achieve that by eating the proper foods.

Then there is also the simple fact that I need to get better. I need to work on every attribute possible. I need to improve my jump shot, dribbling skills, defense, rebounding, and much more. The way I can accomplish this goal is to play in as many basketball leagues as possible. There is the AAU, The Family, church leagues, and of course high school. The more I play the better I get and I believe I can take this basketball very far.

I also feel having friends or connections is a great asset to getting into the pros. Friends will help me because they can be there for me and support me. They are also there to give advice on how to play or get into the NBA. Connections are good in any career choice, and if I have connections, that just puts me that much closer to make it. I already have plenty of friends that know basketball and that are there to help and support me. I do have a few connections with college coaches, and I currently have scouts showing interest in my game, but I need more.

In conclusion if I continue to work hard and put in 110% I believe I have a pretty good chance to make it into the pros and fulfill my dream. I also feel that if I follow the steps I presented to you in this paper that will just better my chances by so much.

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