Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 5

Quote 1

Ah’m goin’ see de man. You cannot have no ... town without some land to build it on. Y’all ain’t got enough here to cuss a cat on without gittin’ yo’ mouf full of hair."

Joe’s sense of pride almost requires humbling others around him. His sense of pride demands that he go purchase more land, but he also insults the men of Eatonville with his "cuss a cat" comment.

Quote 2

"But now, Sam, you know dat all he do ... is big-belly round and tell other folks what tuh do. He loves obedience out of everybody under de sound of his voice.”

After Joe dismisses Pitts from service for stealing from him, the men of Eatonville begin to notice and chafe under Joe’s pride. They recognize him as primarily a voice always commanding others. Joe takes pleasure in having the town’s obedience, but his pride requires that others’ are humiliated.

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