Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Quote 1

"Still and all, she’s her own woman. ... She oughta know by now what she wants tuh do."

Pheoby, being a woman, recognizes that women are intelligent and know what they want out of life and out of their men. She sees that independence in Janie and thus awards her friend with the title of being "her own woman." This sense of self-ownership and self confidence is usually reserved for a man. Thus, this can be seen as one instance of Janie crossing the traditional boundaries between men and women.

Chapter 12 Quote 2

Ah’m older than Tea Cake, yes. But ... he done showed me where its de thought dat makes de difference in ages. If people thinks de same they can make it all right.

Disregarding her and Tea Cake’s substantial age difference brings Janie back to something of a childhood phase, where everything feels new. This rebirthing stage requires "new thoughts tuh be thought and new words said." While her first two marriages stripped Janie of her innocence, when Janie’s with Tea Cake she feels like a child again, her innocence and maidenhood are restored, as evidenced in the "maiden language" she learns.

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