Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Quote 1

He set it up and began ... to show her and she found herself glowing inside. Somebody wanted her to play. Somebody thought it natural for her to play. That was even nice. She looked him over and got little thrills from one of his good points. Those full, lazy eyes with the lashes curling sharply away like drawn scimitars. Then lean-over-padded shoulders and narrow waist. Even nice!

Because Tea Cake treats Janie like an equal and intelligent person, Janie finds herself more attracted to him. His classy treatment of her opens the door for love. Where Janie would have normally overlooked him as another suitor and continued happily in her widowhood, Tea Cake’s behavior sets him apart from the other self-absorbed men and presents Janie with a chance to finally experience the love she has pursued all her life.

Chapter 10 Quote 2

"Yuh can’t beat uh woman. Dey jes won’t stand fuh ... it. But Ah’ll come teach yuh agin. You goin to be uh good player too, after while."
"You reckon so? Jody useter tell me Ah never would learn. It was too heavy fuh mah brains."
"Folks is playin’ it wide sense and folks is playin’ it without. But you got good meat on yo’ head. You’ll learn.

Tea Cake differentiates himself from Joe by assuring Janie that women are just as smart as men and have just as much potential to better themselves. Tea Cake’s sense of gender equality is unprecedented and Janie basks in his praise."

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