Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 3

Quote 1

Well, if he do all dat whut you come ... in heah wid uh face long as mah arm for?"
"Cause you told me Ah wuz gointer love him, and, and Ah don’t. Maybe if somebody was to tell me how, Ah could do it."
"You come head wid yo’ mouf full uh foolishness on uh busy day. Heah you got uh prop tuh lean on all yo’ bawn days, and big protection, and everybody got tuh tip dey hat tuh you and call you Mis’ Killicks, and you come worryin’ me ‘bout love

Janie still considers the idea of love essential to a marriage and she believes that because she still doesn’t love Logan. She earnestly wants to love the man and make the marriage work, but Nanny brushes her worries off as frivolous. In Nanny’s eyes, Janie should be happy simply with her property and status as a respectably married woman; love is irrelevant.

Quote 2

"He don’t even never mention nothin’ pretty."
She began to cry.
"Ah ...
wants things sweet wid mah marriage lak whenyou sit under a pear tree and think. Ah…"

Janie’s innocent ideas about love and marriage being like her experience under the pear tree are being eroded away by her marriage to Logan. When Logan shows no tendencies to even try to achieve this type of immortal beauty, Janie feels cheated.

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