Monday, April 26, 2010

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Quote 1

Why must Joe be so mad with her for making ... him look smallwhen he did it to her all the time?

Janie recognizes and laments an unfair double standard: men always put down women and expect them to take it while the reverse does not hold true; women cannot possibly insult their men without drastic and often public consequences. There is a sexual double meaning here, with "small" meaning both Joe’s reputation and his actual manhood.

Chapter 8 Quote 2

Years ago, she had told her ... girl self to wait for her in the looking glass. It had been a long time since she had remembered. Perhaps she’d better look. She went over to the dresser and looked hard at her skin and features. The young girl was gone, but a handsome woman had taken her place.

Even after years of repression and insult from Joe, Janie’s womanly beauty and strength remain. This seems to be Hurston’s way of showing how much women can endure and still emerge with their sense of identity unscathed. It also shows that Janie had the ability to survive without Joe.

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