Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ralph #7

While Jack went out hunting, Simon and I worked on building huts for the younger boys to live in. I was getting irritated because the huts kept falling down before they were even completed and because, the huts were so important to the boys’ ability to live on the island, none of the other boys besides Simon would help. As we work, most of the other boys played in the lagoon. I gripe the few of the boys are doing any work. All the boys act excited and energized by the plans they make at meetings, but none of them is willing to work to make the plans successful. I noticed that Jack’s hunters have failed to catch a single pig. Jack claims that although they have so far failed to bring down a pig, they will soon have more success. I also worried about the smaller children, many of whom have nightmares and are unable to sleep. He tells Jack about his concerns, but Jack, still trying to think of ways to kill a pig, is not interested in my problems.

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