Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ralph #4

When the explorers return, I sound the conch shell, to begin another meeting on the beach. I tell the group that there are no adults on the island and that we needed to organize a few things to look after ourselves. Then Jack tells me about the pig they found trapped in the vines in the jungle. Shortly after, that knew that we will need hunters to kill animals for meat. I declared that, at meetings, the conch shell will be used to determine which boy has the right to speak since it works so diligently. Whoever holds the conch shell will speak, and the others will listen silently until they receive the shell in their turn. Jack agrees with this idea. Then Piggy yells out of nowhere about the fact that no one is aware of the fact that we have crashed on the island and that we all could be stuck there for a long time. The idea of being stranded for a long period is too harrowing for many of the boys, and the entire group becomes silent, having everyone scared.Piggy continued to urge me to blow the conch shell and summon the boys back to the group, but Ralph is afraid that the summons will go ignored and that any vestige of order will then disintegrate. He tells Piggy and Simon that he might relinquish leadership of the group, but his friends reassure him that the boys need his guidance. As the group drifts off to sleep, the sound of a littlun crying echoes along the beach

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