Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ralph #3

Once we settled down, the boys decided to elect a leader. The choirboys vote for Jack, but all the other boys vote for me. I won the vote, but Jack clearly wanted the position. To satisfy Jack, I asked the choir to serve as the hunters for the band of boys and asked Jack to lead them. Mindful of the need to explore their new environment, I chose Jack and a choir member named Simon to explore the island, ignoring Piggy’s annoying whining requests to be picked. The three explorers leave the meeting place and set off across the island. After that we went to play around in the jungle. Eventually, we reach the end of the jungle, just toward steep mountains. We climb up the side of one of the steep hills. From the peak, we can see that they are on an island with no people. As we travel back toward the beach, Jack and his crew finds a wild pig caught in a tangle of vines. Jack draws his knife and steps in to kill it, but hesitates, and the pig frees itself and runs away, and Jack vows that the next time he will not flinch from the act of killing. The three boys make a long trek through dense jungle and eventually emerge near the group of boys waiting for them on the beach.

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