Monday, March 28, 2011

Ralph #1

I woke up in a scary place. I’m frightened because I don’t know where I am. I look around and I see a few rocks to climb down, and I climbed down, as I am climbing, I over hear a voice following me. I turn around and I see an overweight boy around my age, and he wore glasses that he constantly kept wiping dirt off. The fat boy tells me that there was a pilot and other kids that may have gotten out. Once he told me that, I asked him where all the grownups were. He told me that there were not any, once he told that I couldn’t help but smile. The fat boy's name was Piggy. After I finished talking about his name and laughing at him, he ran back into the forest. I chased him into the forest and we see a great platform of pink granite thrust up through the forest. I jumped in the water, but Piggy was scary and went I slowly. We were in the water for a minute, and I tell Piggy about my dad and how he is a commander in the Navy. I just knew he was going to come and rescue us.

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