Monday, March 1, 2010

Journal Entry

Dear Journal;

Today was just another day of slavery. With my brothers, my sisters, and my mother. Today was one of those really hot days, and once again when the family wanted water our mother had to look for water in a hole or puddle form by a falling tree. I usually had insects or small fihsies in it, but we eventually got used to it.
We were also hot and nervous because we did not know whether or not if it were our last day with the family. The owner often promised he would not sell us, but he always break his promise, we cant trust him no we cant. We hear our master call for our mother, and we were hoping it was was not for a sale, but sadly it was. My older brother was being sold. The family was once again scared from another lost yes we were. It even got to the point to where my mother panic and try to resist her son being taken, and it they beat her to the point of her fainting, it was too much for her. It was truly a very tragic moment.